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Pirogue Cruise

Unique in Quebec! In a friendly atmosphere, come and admire the beautiful scenery of Lake Memphremagog featuring colours of the seasons. Our captains welcome you aboard on  our pirogues while you discover history, landscapes, the environment, music and who knows, maybe meet the Memphré monster.

Morning departure to sunset. Plan your reservation    Bring lunchs and beverages.

  Capitaine Denis - croisière en pirogueCapitaine Denis - croisière en pirogue  

Pirogue - MagogPirogue - Magog  Cruise Prices

  Private cruise


  Phone or Text from 7h to 21h: 819 574 0039


2021 Season CANCELLED

Due to the impact of the coronavirus (Covid 19) on the tourism industry and the security measures established by our governments, our operations are cancelled for the season.

Thank you for your understanding!